Abdominal pain may be felt anywhere between the chest and groin region of your body. The pain may be generalized, localized, or it may feel like cramps in your belly. If you have cramping or discomfort in your stomach, it may be due to gas, bloating, or constipation. Or it might be a sign of a more serious medical condition. Patients often have difficulty describing abdominal pain. Sometimes described as lower abdominal pain, upper abdominal pain, upper stomach pain, stomach pain, etc. - abdominal pain can present as any form of discomfort between the chest and the pelvis. It can seem vague and hard to define. Oftentimes, abdominal pain can be a minor issue but it is important to pay attention to your body and the signs that it is sending you. There are several conditions or reasons as to why you may be experiencing stomach pain. If you have had frequent off-and-on stomach pain, it may be time to visit a gastroenterologist. You can find a gastroenterologist near you by contacting GI Alliance.